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SPOTLIGHT ON... Fiona Pacquette - Music Director of the East London School of Music

Writer: SWOSWO

Fiona at the console of the Westminster Abbey organ
Fiona at the console of the Westminster Abbey organ

What is the East London School of Music (ELSOM)?

The East London School of Music is a small charity which promotes the art and training of classical music for the public benefit, particularly (but not exclusively) supporting children and families from black and ethnic minorities. We help make classical music training more accessible to disadvantaged families who cannot afford lessons or, in some cases, to buy their own instruments.

We teach piano, organ, voice, strings, woodwind and brass, plus compulsory music theory classes, and our students contribute to the orchestra.  We currently have 145 students and 14 staff across four different sites: three in East London and one is Wales, and we are looking to expand.  Students take Trinity College exams here, and our pass rate has been 97% since 2016, which has attracted Trinity Champion Centre Awards in both 2023/24 and 2024/25.

I would love SWO members to be involved in our 10th anniversary celebrations on Sunday 6th April 2025, 4:00pm at our main site in Hackney.   Do come and listen to some lovely performances, meet the students and staff at ELSOM! For more information, please email me at:

Many of us watched a television programme in 2022 “Saving the King of Instruments”*  which included the installation of a rescued organ in ELSOM’s Clapton site. How did that come about? The Methodist Church in Catchgate, County Durham, was on the brink of closure as the elderly members could not afford the upkeep of the church. However, they were very concerned about what would happen to their beloved 900-pipe Nelson organ. They contacted Martin Renshaw (organ builder) for help. Martin contacted me and I had discussions with Clapton SDA Church about proving a home for the organ to benefit the school.  This was a mighty project, but the ‘new’ organ has met with great enthusiasm from both the congregation and the ELSOM students.  Until our organ teacher left recently, we had 11 students learning on this instrument.


What kind of music do ELSOM students study?

Organisations have been fascinated that most of our students are from BAME backgrounds (98%) and in particular, 7 black males (5 teens), 4 black females (2 teens) who are learning the organ.   The BAME culture is often associated with contemporary, RAP and gospel music, so our students’ commitment to classical music is very encouraging. We have had referrals from social services/NHS of children and Adults suffering from mental health and abuse, because these health professionals observe that their patients’ musical journey with ELSOM has had a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing.


What was your musical journey before ELSOM?

My mother was the main musician in the family. We owned a small family electric organ and Mum taught me how to play hymns when I was 5 years old. I wasn’t really interested in classical music as a child because I wanted to become a commercial airline pilot, however, I continued learning.  When I was 19, my Dad bought my first piano and he continued to support me financially when I studied for my Graduate Diploma and BA Music/MA Lit Mus at the Colchester Institute School of Music. Sadly, my Dad passed away in 2004 before I graduated.  I started learning the organ when I was 13 and continued learning while at Colchester.


Does ELSOM dominate your time, or are you able to fit in other activities?

In 2018 I took over as main carer for my mother, who suffered with Alzheimer’s Disease until she passed away in 2021.  I also care for my two sisters, both of whom have multiple health issues. I worked as an IT Developer/Consultant for nearly 25 years but took early retirement in 2024 due to caring duties and managing ELSOM. I am also organist and one of the choir directors at my church in North London.


That sounds like enough for three Fiona Pacquettes!  How do you fit it all in?

I have adopted my late Father’s attitude on life - “never procrastinate, just get on with it - if you do good to others, good things will come back to you!” My mother had skills in hospitality - always putting other people’s needs before herself. I developed resilience from watching how my parents cared for my sisters and from the age of 5 I increasingly helped with caring duties.  Being a carer comes with a lot of challenges. It teaches you patience, kindness, empathy and understanding - transferable skills for teaching music to people of all levels of ability.


What are your ambitions for your future and for the future of ELSOM?

I believe there is now a greater diversity of gender and race within the organ world and it is great to see more female organists, which we are also encouraging at ELSOM.


We currently have 11 organ students who are very keen to resume organ studies, as our previous teacher left us some months ago.  We are looking for an organ tutor, so if anyone is interested or can recommend a reputable teacher, please contact me at: Our students will be so happy!


Finally, it is my dream and ambition to play the organs at Westminster Abbey and the Royal Albert Hall. I got the opportunity to sit at the Abbey organ (please see photo) in 2017, but sadly could not play it due to a service taking place at the time. I would also like the organ students to get the opportunity to play these magnificent organs. Please get in touch if such opportunities could be arranged. The organists will be super excited!


Congratulations on all you have achieved, and may ELSOM go from strength to strength!


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